— The property was always a joy, but it has been sold —
— I will miss the search and discovering of butterflies —
Please enjoy these images of the varieties that were found on the property
A Butterfly Inventory of Our 15 Acre Property in Durham, NC
This is an attempt to photograph and identify as many butterflies as I can on our 15 acre property in Durham, NC. My idea started out as something simple. Take a pic, buy 2 or 3 field guides, post the pic with the name of the butterfly. Simple, right. Boy was I mistaken. The amazing number of species and the minute differences of some varieties complicates everything. I learned that male and females of the some varieties can look totally different. Another complication is that there can be dark forms of a variety. I never imagined how much work would be needed just to post pictures of butterflies with their names.
A bunch of sources and much research was needed for what I hope is accurate identification of the subjects in each of these pictures. But no guarantees. Do not use this page as a field guide. Most importantly, special thanks to the North American Butterfly Identification And Discussion Facebook page. The people there were very helpful to pin down id’s that I was unsure of.
I have a bunch of butterfly pictures that remain as unidentified for now. But I have included just a few of these in their own unidentified section at the end just to illustrate the subtle differences some butterflies can have. Please, if a knowledgeable person can identify, correct or add information in this blog post, please contact me.
Click on any of the pics to see a larger view. Open wingspan size is indicated in inches.
They are divided into the groups as identified in the ‘Audubon Field Guide to North American Butterflies’
White Butterflies
Falcate Orangetip 1-3/8 to 1-1/2″ (New addition April 2021)
Folded-wing Skippers
Spread-wing Skippers
Horace’s Duskywing 1.4 – 2″
Angled-wing Butterflies
Hairstreaks and Elfins
Blue Butterflies
Eastern Tailed-Blue 3/4-1″