Raleigh Skyline 10-20-17
I have been hoping to get back on the roof for some more Raleigh Skyline pictures like I did in early May of this year. Link- (Nightscape shots of Raleigh) I have kept an eye on the position on the sunset and I new mid October would be a good time. You should also check out this link – The Photographer’s Ephemeris. It’s a really great App giving time and positions of the sun and moon anywhere your are or want to know about. I did expect to have a good sunset, but the clouds dissipated earlier in the day, and the sky was clear. Same old story. You should have been here yesterday.
Here are a couple of the location setup.
So you just have to make the best of what you have or might get. In this case, since there were no clouds, I decided to play with the white balance on the camera and use the session as a learning experience. Basically, auto white balance automatically adjusts for the camera so it tries to record true to life colors. Changing white balance settings can change how the camera interprets the colors the camera receives. Adjustments move from cool blues to warm orange/reds depending on the settings. Basically I’m playing – trying for some different effects. Then I also decided to try for more silhouetting in the pictures because of the lack of clouds and a good sky. And as usual, I adjust RAW pics in the Adobe Lightroom program for effect. There was no Photoshop applied to these pics. I plan to try again next week, hoping for a better sky, but here are the results from this session.
Here is a gallery – My pick of the silhouetting type pics
Excuse some repetition. I’m looking at framing, exposure, color and the pics in general, and can’t decide which ones work the best.
And a few more
As always – Thanks for the look
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