Whitefish Mountain Ski Trip
This Blog Post will be more of a travelogue about the Raleigh Ski and Outing Club’s Whitefish Ski Trip
I’ve posted a second picture-oriented Blog, featuring my artistic interpretation of the Whitefish Snow Ghosts. (link highlighted)
This Whitefish trip was sponsored by the Raleigh Ski and Outing Club (RSOC) as one of its annual ski trip offerings. Starting out from Raleigh, the flight from RDU to Denver was uneventful. The flight from Denver to Glacier International Airport in Kalispell, Montana, started out a little more interesting. After boarding, the plane sat at the gate for the longest time. Everyone was wondering why we were not leaving. Finally, the pilot announced we were overweight and they were waiting for United management to figure out how to solve the problem. At first, the decision was made to have two people leave the plane. Finally we had volunteers with the offer of a $1000 credit voucher and a ticket for a later flight. BUT. . . the plane continued to sit at the gate. Once again, still overweight, “We need two more people to leave the plane”. But this time they would get the voucher and have to stay overnight to catch a morning flight. Two more volunteers agreed and we were finally away.
Why aren’t we leaving? We need two volunteers to leave the plane! We need TWO MORE people to leave the plane!
From the plane leaving the Denver Airport
From the plane arriving at Glacier International Airport
So, forty club members converged, arriving at the Lodge at Whitefish, where we all stayed in condos. And although we were lucky to have such a great week for skiing, it was not a great week for photography. We had 4 to 8 inches of fresh powder almost every day which meant snow and clouds every day, and only rare times of good visibility. The other problem was the fog that Whitefish seems to be known for. The top of the mountain was socked in with fog many times during the trip. So the pictures for this blog are a mix of phone and DSLR pics. First off, skiing on a 150″ base with fresh powder everyday was TOO good not to concentrate on skiing. And secondly, I did not want to ski with the good camera when we never really had a clear ‘bluebird’ day for photography. I did get some DSLR shots I’ll post in another blog called Whitefish Snow Ghosts. The link is highlighted, so click on it to have a look.
Here are slide show galleries of pictures from the trip.
RSOC Members Out And About
Sled Dogs Visit The Lodge
Click on the pics for a larger view
Mountain Skiing and Scenery, Including the Fog
Just me in the trees that were tighter and steeper than wanted
Thank you Lynn Nicholas for sharing the run and these photos
The Trip Home
Thanks For The Look
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