A Trip to Charleston


A Trip to Charleston, SC

We decided to spend the long Thanksgiving weekend by taking a trip to Charleston, SC.  Voted one of the most beautiful cities in the US, there were certainly plenty of tourist type pictures to be had.  I will include some of that type here, and also some of the details you might not otherwise notice on a visit.  Lets start with a basic iPhone shot of the bridge, taken through the car windshield, as we entered Charleston in the rain.  And add one showing that we don’t let a cold rainy day stop us form taking in the sites.  That’s my wife Shirley under the umbrella. 



The Tourist Side of the City

  Don’t just stop to cross the street…… stop once in a while to take in all the views.  Here are just a few.



Abstract Fountain Water

The fountains are popular and much photographed features of the city.  Here are some unusual renderings of just the water.


Street Performers 

There are street performers of all types in Charleston.  No sound tracks here of the musicians.

These are of a group called “The Break Circuit”

And also, tis the season for Christmas carols. 


Raising the Flag

And finally I’ll close with a shot of the flag going up at Fort Sumter. 

Hope you enjoyed the trip, and as always…..

Thanks for the Look

Note:  The trip included a stop at Magnolia Plantation on the way home.  Click the blue link for that blog post.

This entry was posted in Photo outings, Travel.

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