Aloha Safari Zoo



A Visit to the Aloha Safari Zoo   


I joined a group from the Capital City Camera Club for an outing to the Aloha Safari Zoo.  It is located about an hour south of Raleigh in Cameron, North Carolina.  “The Aloha Safari Zoo’s mission is to create a loving home ​for unwanted, mistreated, and injured animals.” 

A great opportunity for kids and adults alike, the zoo is basically divided into three areas.  Near the entrance are barnyard animals that are eager to see visitors with feed bags.  Next, is a large walk around area, with a variety of animals that are on display in stalls and in cages.  Pathways are paved and easy access allows for close viewing of most animals.  The last area involves a safari ride that takes you out to open areas where you can view antelope, buffalo, zebras, and many other types of animals.                    

For more information, the links to their websites are highlighted.


I hope you have an appetite for pictures


The Chapman’s Zebra 

Equus quagga chapmani

I’ll start right in with the highlight of the visit.  The day’s star attraction was a newborn zebra that was visible on the safari ride.  Born the night before we arrived, it was amazing to see how large and agile it was so soon after birth.  But I guess that is nature’s way to help with survival in the wild.  Here are my pictures.  Excuse me if I include some that are repetitive.  I like all of them so much, I wanted to include a large sampling.  The first one in the series just shows a little action of the mother and helpers keeping other animals a good distance away from the new arrival.




Assorted Animal Pictures

This is just a sampling of the many animals from all parts of the zoo.

Click on the thumbnail for the larger view – then scroll through the images


—  Thanks For The Look —

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This entry was posted in camera shoots, Photo outings.


  1. Dennis Talley January 29, 2018 at 6:57 pm #

    Great blog. Please notify me of new posts.

  2. steve January 29, 2018 at 5:26 pm #

    Great job Frank. I really enjoy the blog. I think you captured the animals in all their glory.

    We really had a special day to experience the new born zebra. Special!!

    I love the shot of Stretch(the giraffe).

  3. Latham January 29, 2018 at 3:38 pm #

    Great pictures! Thanks for sharing.

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