May 2017 weekend in Richmond Virginia

Weekend in Richmond Virginia

Just a short posting of pic’s from a weekend in Richmond Virginia.   These are more traditional travel pictures, that are not what I usually like to post.  Of course, I spent a little more time with some of them, just to see if I could come up something a little more ‘artistic’.  You should be able to pick them out. 

I’ll start with the popular river walk area and the pedestrian bridges.  Finding parking was a challenge, and there were plenty of tourists and locals checking out the James River.  Recent storms had the river water way above normal levels.

—  As always, click on the pics for a larger version  —

Richmond River Walk Area


While on the pedestrian bridge, I caught a glimpse of 3 kayakers coming down the river.  I rushed to position myself right over them as they passed under the bridge.  And I was lucky to have the good 70-200mm Nikon lens on the camera.  I am fairly happy with the pictures I was able to get.

James River Kayakers

Richmond’s Downtown Main Street Station — structural details

We also spent some time at the Lewis Ginter Botanical Gardens.  Recognized as one of the top gardens in the U.S., there are various themed gardens spread over 50 acres.  It was actually quite impressive, and included a butterfly exhibition.  It would require it’s own extensive Blog post to do it justice.  I’ve only posted a few pics here.

Lewis Ginter Botanical Garden

Hope you enjoyed the pics as much as we enjoyed the weekend in Richmond

 That’s it — Thanks for the look
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