Whitefish Snow Ghosts

Whitefish Snow Ghosts 

Just a few pictures of the scenery and snow ghosts at the Whitefish Ski Area.  The photography conditions while I was there were not the best, so I have rendered these a little more than usual for artistic effect. 

 Whitefish Ski Resort is known for conditions that, on occasion, can promote freezing fog.  The following description is taken from a Whitefish Montana website.  “These super-cooled water droplets can exist in a liquid state between 32 and minus 40 degrees because they lack freezing nuclei. These droplets freeze, however, when they encounter ridge top and summit obstacles – like trees and lift towers and buildings, and even skiers and snowboarders if we sit still.”  The resulting coating is called ‘Rime Ice’.  Over time, accumulations create haunting, beautiful snow formations that are a signature of Whitefish.



Thanks For The Look

For more of my pictures from Whitefish, click on the highlighted Blog post link – Whitefish Ski Trip

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This entry was posted in camera shoots.


  1. Bob Eiswert March 16, 2018 at 9:04 am #

    Amazing pictures Frank! Whitefish is a special place!

  2. Alicen Cisco March 5, 2018 at 9:49 pm #


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